Commons:Category scheme flora

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This is the proposed category scheme for media (files) related to flora. If you add a new category to the hierarchy please add it to the following structure too.

We use Jamaica as an example.

The scheme builds on work by User:CarolSpears and uses subcategories discussed in and other pages to which that article links.

General guidelines

  • Every plant image should be geocoded to permit future auto-generating of, for example, distribution maps of taxa at the species, genus or family levels.

Is outside the scope of this proposal. It is included because it is one apex (is that the correct term?) of the Flora category tree:

  1. Category:Flora of Jamaica. This category should be used for all plants of Jamaica, both native (whether photographed in Jamaica or elsewhere) and introduced. If you know which subcategory/ies your plant belongs in then please place it there. If not, use this category.
    1. Category:Flora of Jamaica (native). The native and indigenous plants of Jamaica.
      1. One subcategory per species e.g. Category:Ageratina riparia (is this correct?).
    2. Category:Flora of Jamaica (cultivated). The agricultural and garden plants that are deliberately grown by humans in Jamaica.
      1. One subcategory per species.
    3. Category:Flora of Jamaica (introduced). Plants that are not indigenous to Jamaica but instead have been accidentally or deliberately introduced by human activity or by natural means.
      1. One subcategory per species

This list matches that currently in the top of Category:Plants

  1. Category:Annuals
  2. Category:Aquatic plants
  3. Category:Biennials
  4. Category:Carnivorous plants
  5. Category:Climbing plants
  6. Category:Crops
  7. Category:Dried plants
  8. Category:Epiphytes
  9. Category:Extinct plants
  10. Category:Genetically modified plants
  11. Category:Halophytes
  12. Category:Herbs
  13. Category:Invasive plants
  14. Category:Medicinal plants
  15. Category:Myrmecophytes
  16. Category:Mythological plants
  17. Category:New year plants
  18. Category:Ornamental plants
  19. Category:Parasitic plants
  20. Category:Perennials
  21. Category:Plantae fossils
  22. Category:Poisonous plants
  23. Category:Potted plants
  24. Category:Shrubs
  25. Category:Spices
  26. Category:Symbolic plants
  27. Category:Trees
  28. Category:Unidentified plants
  29. Category:Vegetables

Other categories


As in Category:Plants and/or Category:Flora at present.

Is outside the scope of this proposal. It is included for information. For background see w:Ecozone.

Is outside the scope of this proposal. It is included because it is the other apex (is that the correct term?) of the Flora category tree:

  1. Category:Flora of Jamaica. This category should be used for all plants of Jamaica, both native (whether photographed in Jamaica or elsewhere) and introduced. If you know which subcategory/ies your plant belongs in then please place it there. If not, use this category.
    1. Category:Flora of Jamaica (native). The native and indigenous plants of Jamaica.
      1. One subcategory per species e.g. Category:Ageratina riparia (is this correct?).
    2. Category:Flora of Jamaica (cultivated). The agricultural and garden plants that are deliberately grown by humans in Jamaica.
      1. One subcategory per species.
    3. Category:Flora of Jamaica (introduced). Plants that are not indigenous to Jamaica but instead have been accidentally or deliberately introduced by human activity or by natural means.
      1. One subcategory per species